Welcome to my resources section. This is a hand-picked list of my absolute favorite books, art supplies, tools, apps, and resources.
In full disclosure…Some of the links below are affiliate links. This simply means that if you choose to make a purchase through these links I may earn a tiny commission at no additional cost to you whatsoever. This helps my family and me, so thank you.
To be further helpful, below I’ve added notes to everything so you can see why I’m making these recommendations.
If you want more information on anything, I welcome you to message me here or on social media with any comments or questions.
You guys mean the world to me, thank you for the support and love! I hope you find this page helpful.

Oil and Acrylic Painting
When choosing paints, there are a lot of factors to think about. I have listed my favorites for both Acrylic and Oil Painting below.
As for what colors to choose, keep in mind that you can mix many colors just by mixing some variety of yellow, red, blue, black and white. That said, some of the brighter hues are impossible to match the radiance and vibrancy by mixing. So if you’re serious about your painting and particular about your color (as I am) I recommend stocking up in some colors that catch your eye.
It’s also a great idea to get a selection of transparent and opaque hues depending on how much glazing you like to do.Yes, you can add medium to gain transparency, but it’s not the same as having some quality transparent tube paints on hand.
Whether I’m painting with Oils or Acrylics these are some of my favorite colors that I always have in stock:
- Cobalt Blue
- Cobalt Teal
- Ultramarine Blue
- Burnt Umber
- Raw Umber
- Van Dyke Brown
- Flake White Replacement
- Titanium White
- Asphaltum
- Payne’s Grey
- Portland Grey Medium
- Portland Grey Light
- Alizarine Crimson
- Cadmium Red
- Transparent Earth Red
- Indian Yellow
- Cadmium Yellow
- Yellow Ochre
Finding the right paintbrushes can take years of trial and error. My journey has led me here.
More often than not, Trekell is my go-to brand of paintbrushes. As for the types of brushes I recommend, I always stock an assortment of filberts and rounds. I tend to use filberts most for their versatility. I like both the longer and shorter filberts that Trekell makes by hand.
Of their current collection, I particularly like the synthetic hair Legion and Golden Taklon line. The Legion have a bit more spring to them and the Taklon are a bit softer, each serving a very different purpose of oil or acrylic painting.
Oil Painting
This is the brand of oil paint that I’ve been using for over 15 years. In my opinion, it’s one of the best oil paints available. I’ve listed the colors I use most often.
If you’re starting out, I recommend this starter kit or grab a cool and warm version of red, blue, yellow and titanium white and Ivory Black. You can mix a ton of colors from just the basic core colors.
Oil Painting Mediums
Gamblin Gaklyd – Mix this with your paint and your layers will dry within 24 hours (for thinner layers). It also makes the paint more workable and translucent. Speed up your process by adding a little of this into your paint.
Neo-Meglip – When I’m not in a rush, this medium is incredible. It makes the paint buttery and smooth. It will dry slower giving you so much time to blend and work the paint.
Gamsol – An odorless and nontoxic mineral spirit to thin your paint and to be used as a solvent.
Acrylic Paints
Over the past few years I’ve gotten a lot more serious about acrylic painting and I have figured out how to replicate oil painting techniques in a much faster time frame.
This is the brand that’s helped me to step up my Acrylic painting game big time. What’s really made a difference is the use of various types of acrylics depending on what stage of the painting that I’m working on.
I now have a full array of my favorite colors in these varieties.
- Heavy Tube Acrylics which have a creamy, thick consistency like oil paint,
- Fluid acrylics, which have a consistency like heavy cream.
- High-flow acrylics, which have an ink-like consistency.
- Fine Tip Paint Markers – I really like these.
Acrylic Mediums
Golden Glazing Medium (gloss)– This is a terrific medium. It extends the drying time and also makes the paint more transparent to do very natural blending and building up of color.
Golden Retarder– This will make your acrylic paint dry way slower. You can add it to paint alone, but I also like mixing some of the glazing medium into it. Don’t go too heavy with the retarder or your paint won’t dry properly at all.
Golden Molding Paste/Heavy Gel – Sometimes I like to have heavy globs of paint for a textured look. This is great at building up thick layers of paint to mimic the look of oil impasto paintings.
Other Art Supplies I Love
Workable Fixative Spray – I use this for locking in pencil layers before applying paint over them, or when working with mediums that smear easily. This gives you a workable surface while preventing smudges or work to get washed away.
Gallery-Quality Matte Finish Acrylic Spray– When working on acrylic pieces, the final layer needs to be unified or else you get some sections that are glossy and others that are matte. This is what I use on smaller pieces to top-coat.
My Favorite Books
Art Books
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain – By Betty Edwards : When people ask me which book to get to learn the basics, this is the one I recommend most. I believe that anyone can learn to draw. You may not become the next da Vinci, but you can definitely learn to see a person or object and draw it. It gives a good basic insight into how an Artist sees and how to break down objects into shapes in a logical way.
Lessons in Classical Drawing: Essential Techniques from Inside the Atelier – by Juliette Aristides: If you want to get more serious about your drawing, I love this author’s books. In this drawing book, you’ll learn how the Old Masters rendered form, lights, shadows, and shape with pencil, charcoal, and classic mediums. This is a sophisticated and necessary drawing book for intermediate and expert artists.
Self Help
The Secret – by Rhona Byrne: I have been listening to this audiobook 4-6 times a year for over ten years.
This is a great book for anyone looking to make major changes in their lives and get an overview of how the Law of Attraction works.
I have manifested many of the people and things in my life due to this powerful Universal law.
Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life – by Byron Katie: I first discovered the work of Byron Katie in 2018 and have already re-listened to this audio book multiple times. I wish I came upon this book a couple of decades ago.
It’s so incredibly powerful and life-changing and yet so simple to learn.
A New Earth: Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose – By Eckhart Tolle: The first of Tolle’s books that I read. It felt like a natural progression on my spiritual journey.
This book will teach you about how the ego attempts to control us and how we can break free of the pain-body and live more purposefully.
The Power of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment – By Eckhart Tolle: I believe this is my favorite of Tolle’s books. I find the words of this book carrying through my daily life.
His spiritual teachings have transformed and allowed me to find the present moment. I now understand the power that this moment contains thanks to this book.
Acid for the Children: A Memoir – By Flea – I loved this book about the famed bassist from The Red Hot Chili Peppers. It goes from emotional to funny, to inspiring to insightful
The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music by Dave Grohl – The touching, and inspiring life story of the lead singer of The Foo Fighters and the former drummer of Nirvana. Moments of sweet childhood curiosity and absolutely surreal life experiences.
Scar Tissue – By Anthony Kiedis – Perhaps the most page-turning memoir I’ve ever read. Go on a wild ride though the insane life of the lead singer of The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Sex, drugs, rock n roll and so much more.
Resources for Entrepreneurs
WPEngine – Professional Web Hosting
If you run your own business (or are thinking about it), there are very few things as important as your website running smoothly. I’ve gone through at least four web hosts since starting my art career.
I’m overly particular about, well, everything. I researched hosting companies for a year until I decided to switch to WpEngine. I gotta say, it’s been smooth sailing and the customer service is a dream.
Ledger Hardware Wallet for Crypto and NFT’s
If you are like me and enjoy investing, collecting and trading in the Crypto ,and NFT space, you need a hardware wallet to keep your assets safe.
Do not rely solely on a software wallet or exchange.
I use and recommend Ledger Hardware wallets, here’s my referral link.
If invest in Crypto and NFTs, don’t forget to file the correct reports every tax season. If you’re looking for an easy and quick way to get it done and avoid tax liabilities, here’s the service I recommend.
Resources for Health and Fitness
DNA Testing – After I had Kashif Khan on my podcast who is the CEO and Founder of The DNA Company he generously offered my podcast listeners a 10% OFF Discount for genetic testing services. (use code: jayalders) His company not only tests your DNA like Ancestry and 23&Me do, but they also provide customized and personalized strategic advice based on your genetics. This test and the advice they give could potentially prevent disease, give you more energy, improve mood and sleep, and help you overcome some of your genetic predispositions.
Side Sleeper Pillow – I’m a side sleeper and often I’ll wake up with horrible lower back and hip pain on the side that I sleep on. This pillow has really helped me a lot.