One of the perks of being a surfer/artist is sharing friendships and connecting with like-minded and inspiring people. I enjoy seeking opportunities to collaborate with such friends and I was stoked to have another event to share with my friend Garrett (G Love) this past week at The Algonquin Theatre in Manasquan,NJ.
He called me in the morning on the drive down and checked on the waves, which there weren’t any. It’s been virtually flat for over a week or more but the weather was perfect, so we decided to make other plans before the show. I called my friend Shaun McGrath from Summertime Surf Camp and he generously lent us some Stand Up Paddleboards and his employee Jack was nice enough to give Chelsea, Garrett and I a fun SUP tour through Manasquan out towards the inlet.
We got back to my house, packed up and headed to the venue where our friend Alexa was there to run our merch table. The bar opened up and the party began. It was so nice to see a lot of my local friends as well as catch up with some of G’s crew. Local professional surfer Sam Hammer and his lovely lady Nicole had a table across from us and it was cool to finally have some time to chat with them and the great people from the Algonquin like Bill, Diane, Joe and Mary.
I had my art projected behind G Love during his performance which the crowd seemed to really dig. I often paint to Garrett’s music in my studio, so it was special for me to mesh the two again on stage.
(G Love performing in front of my painting , “Sweet Aspirations”)
After the show, we hung in the tour bus and partied. G was jamming with our friend Quincy Mumford and at one point Garrett handed me this magazine and a marker to entice me to do some for him. Feeling inspired and out of room on the mag, I grabbed some paper towels and quickly sketched Quincy and Garrett during their jam. I really got get more into doing live art, I always have a blast coming up with shit on the spot.
Thanks to G Love, The Algonquin, Chelsea,Summertime Surf and Alexa for making the day so great!
Check out this video clip of G throwin’ me a shout out…(Thanks G!)