This past week has reminded me that you can’t win ’em all. The conversations I’ve had and read and heard have both enlightened me, inspired me, and terrified me.

It feels in one moment that all human ability to be rational, kind, and empathetic is thrown out the window. And just then, I see a glimmer of hope.
This reminds me of the process of creating and sharing art. I do my thing, I do my best and I put it out there. But you know what? No matter how hard I work on a piece. No matter how much love I put into it. No matter how good I think it is…Someone’s going to throw hate on me. It’s just how it is. You can’t win ’em all. And you’re not supposed to.
I’m embarrassed to admit how many cumulative hours I’ve spent debating people about world events. Why? There is no possible winning outcome in such things. I’m not in a position of power and neither are they. What’s the point? Why do our ego’s need us to feel victorious? Why do we need to walk away from every conversation as being the right one? What good has any Facebook battle ever brought you?
During times of Global crisis especially, we need to remember…You can’t win ’em all. Some people will never be swayed. On some topics, you’ll never be swayed. As long as you’re not hurting anyone, maybe that’s ok? Aren’t we suppose to be different?
That said, I hope you never stop putting out your best self into the world. Be willing to challenge others, but please, be willing to have your views be challenged too. Don’t let the haters and the crazy people stop you from using your voice in your special way. And please God don’t be one of those crazy people.
Make your art and music and do it your way, but please, please weave love into it and pluck out the thorns of hate.
Now go do you.