I had quite an amazing Fathers’ Day today with my family and I just wanted to share one of the many perfect moments that I was blessed with.
Being a dad is the most important and impactful role I play. All the career high 5 worthy work blah blah stuff is awesome, I’m super grateful for it all, no doubt…but getting to be an active, loving and involved Dad is what matters most to me. It’s certainly not always easy, but these little people keep me present and focussed on what matters and I am so thankful that they chose me to be their Dad.
I see myself in my kids, not necessarily their physical attributes but rather the essence of who I am. I connect with their being and their very existence is a mirror to me.
I sense and feel the presence of my grandparents and ancestors that I never got to meet and my wife’s family tree. I honor all those that contributed to make all this even possible. We are all interconnected and our contributions and experiences are meaningful.
I warmly applaud all the true men out there who are tossing stereotypes aside to be the nurturing, supportive and loving fathers that are so needed.
And I thank my Dad for teaching me that it’s ok as a man to hug and be sappy too.