I’m so heartbroken by the devastation at the Jersey Shore caused by Hurricane Sandy. No matter where I own a house, this will always be my home.
These were some of the generational landmarks that I grew up around. This is the coastline that I enjoyed at a child with my family and still draw inspiration from as an adult. These are the waters I learned to surf in. This is the sea that created my love of the ocean. This was one of the boardwalks I walked with friends hundreds of times and worked at drawing caricatures in the summer. This was one of the boardwalks that I pretended to be a tough guy at with my friends when I was young and stupid and the place I’d go to make fun of Benny’s and try to pick up chicks. In & around these waters I’ve had some of the best memories.
With so many friends who lost homes, businesses, belongings and a sense of security, I am comforted only by knowing that they all have their health.
I am humbled and in awe of the power of nature & hope that this is a wake up call to pay attention to global changes many of which we undeniably as humans contribute to. We need to unite together to solve these problems. Enough partisan political distractions, we are a united people with common human needs.
The oceans are rising, Earthly events are becoming more frequent. I read an article today about whether or not to rebuild in certain areas, about building a giant sea wall around NYC, about how people will be selling their homes to the government for conservational land.
This is so surreal. I am still numb and in denial that the Jersey Shore that I know and love will never be the same again. Much love to everyone who was impacted by this tragedy, I will do whatever I can to help and I hope whomever reads this will too. The times, they are changing.