I’ve been thinking a lot about how on the one hand, we (the planet) are all in this pandemic together. Of course, we all have aspects of this we’re sharing…The paranoia and fear and uncertainty and inconveniences and more time on Amazon. More than ever, maybe one benefit is how we can empathize and relate to one another on these things.
And yet, on the other hand, this experience right now, as we’re living through it, is so completely different from everyone else. Some people I talk to are so bored out of their minds, bouncing off the walls, living on cable news and going nuts.
While others are embracing the solitude and extra time together. I texted my friend the other day, it was her birthday so I wanted to check-in.
“How are you guys doing?”, I asked her…
Her response to me was, “We are good! We have all been in the house for 9 weeks! It’s glorious!”
Doesn’t this just highlight how different we all are? We can easily get sucked into the 24 hour news cycle or these Facebook groups and believe that everyone thinks like us. But we don’t.
Some of us just miss people and interactions and hugging and high fives while others are totally content reading and Netflix and chillin’.
The pandemic of 2020 is a unifier but not really.
How about you? What are your predominant thoughts and emotions?
I thought about this painting I made. It’s called “Warm Stare“. It was inspired by me-time. Those moments when it’s not about anyone but you and your thoughts. No judgment, no reservations and living filter-free.
Assuming and hoping that you and your loved ones are healthy and ok…Are you going baby shit crazy or do you just love having quiet time to yourself to walk around naked and drink wine?