My pal G Love just released a new album, Fixin’ To Die (which is awesome by the way) and has been on the road promoting it and was kind enough to hook us up with some VIP passes for his recent show in Jacksonville, Florida’s legendary venue, The Freebird. G puts always puts on one hell’uva show and this was no different.
I’ve spent this past winter in northern Florida escaping the cold of my home in Jersey & was stoked to have gotten another chance to party with some of good friends before leaving town.
After the show G invited us back on the bus to party. Seen below is a self-portrait we took of me, my friend Cat who’s husband Eric plays in Donavon Frankenreiter‘s band, my friend Luke from Monumental Films and of course my lady Chelsea.
G busted out his guitar and started up a jam in the standing room only bus. I don’t have a clue how Garrett does this on a night to night basis. The next morning I was reminded why I don’t do this that often anymore.
Above: A pic with Chels,Cat,Jenny,Frankie (G’s merch guy) & Chris Flazone.