We each have different memories and emotions associated with the word “home. For some of us, that means just one town. For others, we wander often running to or from something.
Just like “the now“, home is nothing more than a state of being. Not necessarily geographically confined.
When I travel I meet new people, nurture old friendships and experience places that other people spend their current day to day existence in. For brief bits of time each new town becomes “home” as we share a commonality in space & time.
My family and I stopped off at he beautiful town of Charlottesville for the first time on the way back from West Virginia for some good food and conversation with friends.
As I experience fatherhood these special moments with loved ones take on a new meaning. It no longer is just about me & what I can take from each place I go to, it’s about spreading the joy of travel to our daughter and what love we can offer those that we see along the way.
On a side note, one of my favorite bands of all time was founded here and I’ve wanted to see it since the mid 90’s. This is a gorgeous town and I hope to get back soon. Summer loved meeting more “aunts & uncles” too.