I had done interviews for Brazil TV already, but this was the first major network American TV Interview I’ve done and boy was I nervous. I started worrying about a possible slip up of saying something stupid. What if they asked me something and I sounded dumb? What if I vomited?
Despite my snowballing fears and thoughts of sneaking out the back door, as soon as the camera countdown started, all was ok.
My interviewer Nathalie was really nice, although I wish I had some prep time, we literally just sat down and a minute or two later were on live tv. She did have time to ask me a couple pre-questions like, “What’s a surf artist” and “Do you surf?” and other tidbits of small talk. When I answered her that I started surfing after getting my license, she was surprised and responded, “You need a license to surf?”…I specified “no Nathalie, a driver’s license”. If I was more relaxed I probably would have gotten a chuckle, but the countdown began… 5…4…3..2…1
Thanks to my friend Craig Barnette who was awesome enough to ask his dad Tom to record this for me. Also special thanks to my friend Gary and the good people at NBC for making this possible!
Here’s how it went: