My talented and kind-hearted friend Stefan Lessard from the Dave Matthews Band (DMB) asked me to doodle on one of his set lists when I saw him at a show in June.
This one if from 6/14/14 in Camden,NJ. I downloaded the live show that this set list was from and listened to it while I was sketching in my studio to feel the vibes and allow the music to speak to me. I heard brilliance and felt creativity flow & this is what I came up with.
I got to bring my baby daughter Summer to her first concert thanks to Stefan which any of my closest friends and family understand how special this was for us. I had already seen #DMB over 30 something times over the past 20 years and had created art more times than I can count while this music was playing and bobbing my head to Stefan’s bass.
The universe sure is magical and I feel so blessed and grateful. Make sure to check out his feed for all the groovy doodles and amazing photography that he posts from his travels and check him out the next time he tours near you.