This was a super fun project and also the second electric guitar I got to paint this month.

The Les Paul is one of the – if not THE most iconic guitars of all time. Its gorgeous lines are only outdone by that warm tone of those juicy double humbuckers.
Ok, let me cool down here for a second – My good friends of John and Roseanne Lynch are also some of my favorite collectors. They also co-own Iron Buddha Fitness and Yoga studio in Westwood, NJ. I’ve done a lot of murals there, including the outside wall. The murals are done in a very bold monochromatic style inspired by the ocean and waves. (The Lynch’s are also a beach surf family like we are).
So this design compliments Iron Buddha’s murals. Incidentally, the Telecaster style guitar that I recently painted for Marty Schwartz was also inspired by these murals. When Roseann saw it, she commissioned me to paint one for John. Full circle here.
In this video below, I take you through the whole process from sanding to painting to polishing and re-assembling. I hope you enjoy it.
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