Sticking Things Out.

Rewarding Yourself For Good Behavior. Do you know anyone that just has no attention span or patience with much of anything? Someone that even reading beyond one sentence in a newsletter seems like a challenge? I’m going to share with you a little mind hack that I use to keep me attentive while painting. This is…

Brian Bishop, pure stoked on new Art from Jay Alders

Best Reaction to Art…EVER!

My dear friend Brian Bishop just turned 30. His amazing wife Heather surprised the heck out of him with an original surf art painting of mine titled “Wave of Blues”. His reaction… is EPIC!!!! This is what STOKED looks like!! Oh and by the way…as if being an Architect and awesome husband isn’t enough, Brian…

Illustration of an Artist Sketching

Hurry Up & Slow Down

One of the biggest obstacles most people have with creating art is the amount of time that’s required. Here’s a bit about how I overcome that. First though…Let me start by announcing… I just finished a new painting!!  (to be released soon) I started this painting a few months ago. I’ve worked on this piece…

dad traveling with toddlers

The stupidest thing I did all month

I usually try to share wisdom in my blog. But today… thought I’d share my stupidity instead. So…here goes… Last week, I blogged about my recent West Coast Art Tour and lessons I learned. Overall, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. But…I left out one particularly embarrassing detail I’ll preface this by saying that it probably won’t shock…