We had the privilege of being guests again of Donavon Frankenreiter and his bandmates a few days ago when they performed in Bethel, New York along with another one of my favorite bands, The Dave Matthews Band (Whom I’ve seen over 30-something times live..Yeah, I’m a bit of a fan). The performance was on the original location of “Woodstock” which really added a spiritual aspect to the show.
I decided this would be an appropriate time to bust out my new…err..uhh…..Vintage Bell-Bottom Corduroys which I just got in Miami last week. We snapped some photos on the walk down to the tour buses and were warmly greeted by our friends in the band.
After some pre-gaming and french fries, we found our seats and sat and watched Donavon and his band jump in the pocket of their groove and rock out. It was, as always, an amazing performance. The crowd really showed a lot of support and love for Donavon and the band which we were stoked on.
Dave Matthews went on a bit later as a full moon was rising through the trees. Eric Brigmond, keyboardist in Donavon’s band and his awesome wife Cat joined us in crowd to watch DMB perform. Their show was so stellar. It was my first time seeing DMB play without Leroi Moore which got us a bit emotional. The new sax player gave one of the best solos I’ve ever seen though.