I’m in my kitchen right now. Listening to Sinatra and doing dishes after feeding the kids pancakes and playing with legos and board games and puzzles. I’m feeling nostalgic and reflective. This time of year is good for those sorts of emotions isn’t it?
I’m thinking about all the things I said I was going to do (and did, or didn’t do) and all the goals and ambitions that slipped by this year. Im also celebrating all the accomplishments and steps towards evolvement that I made. I’m thinking of the kind of dad, husband, son, brother, uncle and friend that I’ve been.
Truth is, there’s always room for improvement. I could have done better here and should have tried harder there. But we all do our best don’t we? We do what we can with the tools we’re given and do as good as we can. This time of year is also a time of forgiveness. Forgiving others and forgiving ourselves.
We’re never going to be able to do it all. We’re not going to be great at everything finding any sense of balance is nearly impossible. Being an artist at its core is about seeing (or hearing, feeling or sensing) things differently. So all of these conflicting and confusing emotions is just part of the artists journey. All of us are artists and creators.
I guess what I’m getting at is that I am really grateful to you all. Thank you for connecting with me. Thank you for carving time out of your day to share creativity and inspiration with me and those around you that you love.
A lot of people go through life with no attachment to art, music, passion, self expression, dance, writing, literature, culture. You…you are different. You notice the good things in life and I thank you with all my heart for your support and kindness this year.
I’m excited to continue this creative journey alongside with you. Together we’re making the world a kinder and more inspiring place.
I wish you a happy, healthy, fulfilling and joyous holiday season. And for those of you who are suffering this time of year, I send you strength, hope and compassion.