I’ve been working really, really, really hard to let go of my attachment to perfection lately. It’s an unhealthy obsession of mine that has followed me around since I was a kid.
In all honesty, it’s not all bad. Were it not for me pushing myself to do better, better, better, I wouldn’t paint the way I do, or have a business or have the will power for goals and daily habits.
But the darker side is how perfection keeps you dwelling in a mindset of comparing yourself to everyone and everything. I’m constantly looking for what’s “wrong” in an effort to improve and that can really hinder my ability to be happy.
What helps me a lot is meditating and exercising regularly and eating well. Keeping my physical and mental and emotional shit intact lets me reframe situations better. But lately, I haven’t made the time for a lot of the self-care routines because I’ve been dwelling on how to perfectionize my finances and business and family’s stability even more.
Over the past month, I’ve seen this shift in me and I have made an effort to embrace the imperfection. I’ve done this by making sure to make art as much as possible, even when it’s not “perfect”.
I’ve been taking more time to surf and go on bike rides to the beach with my fam to escape my brain from telling me how imperfect the work-part of my work-life feels sometimes. Not the painting, but rather the endless blackholes of admin work and marketing that consumes every solopreneur and artist’s life.
And you know what? It’s been working. I’ve been putting out and selling out of new original works of art despite them being looser and not “polished”. And I’ve been having fun with it.
I wonder how many of you can relate to this? If you are someone like me that self-sabotages by hanging on to perfectionism, I encourage you to let go a bit. Do your thing more, whatever that is, and just have fun with it. Keep your bar set high, but practice losing the expectations temporarily.
There’s plenty of time for the masterpieces and big giant consuming projects that take over your life.
I love you guys. Be gentle to yourself.