Today would have been my Papa’s (My Maternal Grandfather, Sol Segal) Birthday. My toddler pronounciation skills couldn’t say Papa, so I said “Popper” and it stuck.
My Papa was an amazing Grandfather to my brother Eric and I. He played games with us, supported our interests and hobbies and told us stories.My Nanny and Papa helped raise us and teach us values and morals…My Papa’s silliness was definately passed along to me. He would sing funny songs to us, like Cucaracha, and stick out his tongue in most photos we’d take.
He would almost always be waiting for me after school to take me for donuts and drive us around to Hebrew School as kids and sit on the couch with me and let me hug him.
I miss him a lot and wish I could share memories as an adult with him. It’s been 18 years since he passed, but it doesn’t feel like that. The older I get the more I realized that my parents and “grown-ups” were right about time flying.
If you have your Grandparents with you still, please reach out to them today, they love you and some day you might really wish you could.