This week’s brutal massacre in Newtown, Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School left 20 children and 6 adults dead.
All this deserving talk of gun control. Let’s start talking about how absolutely fucked up our mental illness & healthcare system is in the U.S. We have millions of people drugged up & abusing “legal meds” with lists of side-effects longer than the DMV line while we wage a ridiculous “war of drugs”.
We have millions of people needlessly suffering from mental illnesses without insurance willing to cover therapy or treatment because of pre-existing conditions. We live in a society where warning signs are ignored until absurd & violent actions call for mass reactions. Citizen’s momentum usually fades with the next nipple slip or celebrity break up in the news.
We are at war for over 10 years now because 3,000+ people were needlessly killed on 9/11 , yet in the US, there are over 10,000 gun deaths a year. Children are killed in drone strikes regularly without a tear shed here. Yes, people kill people, yes I do believe in common sense gun rights. But when someone unstable & mentally fragile yields a freaking machine gun or writes policies, bad things can happen.
This is just as much an outcry to hypocrisy and stupidity as anything else. The people need to speak out towards compassion and common sense, you are the beginning. The next time you catch yourself saying how “they” should do something about ______…realize ‘they’ are YOU.