Recently, world renown Tasmanian Surf Photographer, Stu Gibson honored me by featuring my Surf Art on his new website, The Collective. I wanted to reciprocate his kindness and showcase a bit about Stu’s work and his new website.
He’s one of my favorite Surf Photographers and his work brings much inspiration.
You can see Stu’s site at:
TheCollective aims to showcase fresh photographic content from around the globe — as it happens – straight from the photographers. Too often the work of many photographers is left on the cutting room floor, with the magazines handpicking only a small selection of images from what is often an amazing collection. TheCollective’s goal is to bring these unpublished images back for your enjoyment.
TheCollective will feature a select group of contributing photographers that will bring their own style to the table and blow a breath of fresh air on the ever changing industry. The aim is to publish images each day from all four corners of the globe, for as we all know, there’s always waves rolling down a point or hitting a sandbank somewhere on this planet!
Photo: Stu Gibson