ALO rolls thru Philly/NYC

  We had the pleasure of catching up with our friends from the band, Animal Liberation Orchestra (ALO) this past week as they rolled through our neck o’ the woods.  They were groovy enough to invite us as their guests for their recent shows in Brooklyn and Philly and as always, we had an absolute blast.…

See like an Artist: Negative Space

Spend a day focusing on ‘negative space’ and learn to grow your perception of the world around you. If you’re an artist, you already “get this”, but so many people see the world with a narrow vision both literally and metaphorically.  As an artist, I try and spend every waking moment broadening my awareness. The…

Possession of a Twig ?!

  A very close friend was arrested for possessing a small twig today. Umm..yes, you read correctly, a twig. Her car was impounded, she was frisked, brought in for questioning, embarrassed, fined thousands of dollars, detained for hours, her vehicle was illegally searched for 20 minutes and nothing found. She was fingerprinted twice and called…