Tattooed Fans

There are few ways more flattering for a fan to show support and love of my art than by getting it inked. Whenever someone commits like this to a piece of my art, it really moves me. Here’s a pic of two of the more recent tattoos of my original art. If you have any…


Surfboard Recycling Project

Through the collaborative efforts of VERB TV, 9:Fish Surfboards, and the Surfboard Recycling Project was established to raise awareness for Surf-Aid International & Save The S.D. Fire Pits. This partnership is proud to announce an innovative fundraiser at this year’s Vavi National Kickball Championship at NTC Park in Point Loma on August 15th. The Surfboard Recycling Project…


Curl Magazine

Thanks to our friends down under at Curl Magazine for the feature in their “Off the Lip” section announcing the winner of my Surf Art Give-away! We’re always stoked to collaborate with Curl Magazine… if you live down in NZ, Tas’ or Oz, make sure to support them and pick up an issue!
