Surf Artists Unite

After the Surfrider-Emergen-C MaliBLUE Event, we took up our Surf Artist friends on their warm invites to hang out at their Homes/Art Studios. First stop was to Ron Croci’s home studio near Torrance.  Ron took a few hours out of his day to drive us around to some beautiful scenic places in Palos Verde and…


MaliBLUE- Sponsored by Emergen-C for Surfrider Foundation

On April 26th 2009, the Emergen-C Sponsored, MaliBLUE event took place to benefit Surfrider Foundation. The core activities and campaigns that the Surfrider Foundation uses to protect our oceans, waves and beaches fall into the categories of Clean Water, Beach Access, Beach Preservation and Protecting Special Places. The months of preparation and planning flew by…the…


Curl Magazine

Music/Surfing Legend and friend Donavon Frankenreiter recently took a Surf Trip to New Zealand where he hung out with our buddies at Curl Magazine. In the upcoming issue of Curl Magazine you can read about their good times with the always memorable,King of the Soul Surfers, Donavon Frankenreiter. “Curl Magazine and Donavon have been so…


Surfrider Stokefest

This Thursday, April 9th 2009, at 6PM, I will be showing and sellingSurf Art and donating a print to benefit The Surfrider Foundation. The event will take place at the historic Algonquin Theater in beautifulManasquan, NJ.Musical performance by local surfer/musician,Quincy Mumford and a showing of Chris Malloy‘s Surf Film, “One Track Mind”.


New Surf Art Sticker Released

To match our new Beach SketcherShirt design for ’09, we’ve released a new sticker to slap on your surfboards, cars or tush. This high quality sticker is on durable,clear vinyl. Free Sticker with every Order this month! * Send in photos of where your stickers end up, we’ll be posting the best ones online and sending prizesto the best ones!


Zimzala – SurfAid benefit ’08

June 5th 2008 —The shores of New Jersey experienced an eventlike no other. Almost 600 people came out to support Zimzala ‘08, a unique Art, Music and Humanitarian event with over $13,000 raised to benefit Surf Aid International. Zimzala was Founded and Co-Hosted by: Jay Alders Fine Art and Photography, Okoto Apparel and Sun Dream Productions. East Coast performers and friendsShoreline kicked…


Remembering my “Papa”

Today would have been my Papa’s (My Maternal Grandfather, Sol Segal) Birthday.  My toddler pronounciation skills couldn’t say Papa, so I said “Popper” and it stuck. My Papa was an amazing Grandfather to my brother Eric and I.  He played games with us, supported our interests and hobbies and told us stories.My Nanny and Papa…
