Will Conner, Musician, Surfer and Entrepreneur

Will Conner: Musician, Surfer, Entrepreneur, Environmentalist, Dad and Citizen of the World – 004

This week on Shifting Perceptions we sat down and chatted with Will Conner. Will owns and runs a large hat brand called Conner Hats out of St. Augustine, Florida and performs his music alongside legends like Singer/Songwriter Jack Johnson and Pro-Surfer Dave Rastovich as his side gig. Will is an incredible singer/songwriter, a successful entrepreneur,…

Podcast with Eric Goodman

Dr. Eric Goodman: Tapping Into Flow States and the Creation of Foundation Training To Treat Chronic Back Pain – 003

Understanding Back Pain and Why the Foundation Training Method worked for Dr. Eric Goodman and how it is helping thousands of others. Dr. Eric Goodman – On how his major failure’s lead to the development of and hyper-focus on what eventually became Foundation Training. Learning about the Posterior chain and how keeping these muscles strong…

Illustration of an Artist Sketching

Hurry Up & Slow Down

One of the biggest obstacles most people have with creating art is the amount of time that’s required. Here’s a bit about how I overcome that. First though…Let me start by announcing… I just finished a new painting!!  (to be released soon) I started this painting a few months ago. I’ve worked on this piece…

dad traveling with toddlers

The stupidest thing I did all month

I usually try to share wisdom in my blog. But today… thought I’d share my stupidity instead. So…here goes… Last week, I blogged about my recent West Coast Art Tour and lessons I learned. Overall, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. But…I left out one particularly embarrassing detail I’ll preface this by saying that it probably won’t shock…
