Suzanne Tucker - Founder Generation Mindful

Interview with Suzanne Tucker: Generation Mindful’s Founder on Conscious Parenting & Raising Emotionally Healthy Children

Suzanne Tucker is a powerhouse of positivity and nurturing energy. We had the joy of sitting down with her this week to discuss the wonders — and curveballs — that being a parent can bring. The founder of Generation Mindful and the “Time-In ToolKit,” an engaging collection of illustrations and games, Suzanne Tucker is dedicating…

Matt Grundy of Donavon Frankenreiter Band

Matt Grundy: Going All In Music, Sobriety, Family & Self-Awareness – 031

Interview with Matt Grundy Bassist, Guitarist, Singer/Songwriter & Harmonica Player Going All In Music, Sobriety, Family & Self-Awareness – Episode 031 of Shifting Perceptions Podcast Matt Grundy plays bass, rhythm guitar, harmonica, and sings backing vocals and for professional surfer turned rock star Donavon Frankenreiter. Matt is also nurturing a solo music career. In this…


Geraint F. Lewis: Making Sense of the Cosmos – 021

This week we got to chat with Welsh Astrophysicist Geraint F. Lewis.  Geraint is best known for his work on dark energy, fine-tuning of the Universe, gravitational lensing, and galactic cannibalism. He is a Professor of Astrophysics (Teaching and Research) at the Sydney Institute for Astronomy, part of the University of Sydney’s School of Physics.  In this interview, we got to…


Sticking Things Out.

Rewarding Yourself For Good Behavior. Do you know anyone that just has no attention span or patience with much of anything? Someone that even reading beyond one sentence in a newsletter seems like a challenge? I’m going to share with you a little mind hack that I use to keep me attentive while painting. This is…
